More warblers photographed not far from Progreso, Yucatán, one morning in October of this year:
The Northern Parula breeds in the eastern half of the United States and Canada, and winters in Mexico and the Caribbean.
As I have birded rarely in the eastern United States, this was a life-bird for me!
This is a female, I have yet to see a male.
The Palm Warbler breeds mostly in Canada, and winters along the gulf and southern Atlantic coast, Caribbean, and the Yucatán.
I had seen Palm Warblers on a previous trip to Ohio:
There are eleven yellowthroat species, all found in the New World.
They are also considered warblers.
The Gray-crowned Yellowthroat is found throughout much of Mexico and Central America, though is not found in wet marshes like the Common Yellowthroat, though this one was not far from water near Progreso. Another life-bird!
I have now seen three species of yellowthroat, so was thrilled to see this one. My previous attempts at seeing a Belding's Yellowthroat in Baja California have been unsuccessful, I will have to try again soon!