While at the Idyllwild Nature Center patiently waiting for birds to come to the feeders, I heard, perhaps 100 yards away, at least a dozen crows making a loud ruckus!
I thought to myself, what could they be so upset about?
About thirty seconds later, a pair of coyotes strolled through the clearing not far from the feeders.
So that was what the noise was about! The noise subsided and calm prevailed.

That immediately reminded me of another episode at the identical spot.
In October of 2016 (time flies!), it was a slow afternoon at the nature center feeders. Suddenly a chorus of alarm calls erupted from a number of squirrels in the nearby trees. I thought, that's unusual, until a few seconds later a bobcat sauntered through the nearby clearing. It paused in a ray of sunlight long enough for me to get this picture: